
Information Center

Working Hours

SubmissionMonday-Friday (09:30 am – 12:00 pm)
CollectionMonday-Friday (09:30 am – 12:30 pm)

Public Holidays

1st JanuaryNew Years Day
8th JanuaryConstitution Day
6th MarchIndependence Day
18th AprilGood Friday
21st AprilEaster Monday
1st MayLabour Day
31st MarchEid Ul-Fitr
7th JuneEid Al-Adha
30th JulyFeast of the Throne
4th AugustFounders Day
14th AugustAnniversary of the Recovery Oued Ed-Dahab
20th AugustAnniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People
21st AugustYouth Day
5th SeptemberThe Prophet Muhammad's Birthday
6th SeptemberThe Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Holiday
23rd SeptemberKwame Nkrumah Memorial Day
6th NovemberAnniversary of the Green March
18th NovemberIndependence Day
6th DecemberFarmers Day
25th DecemberChristmas Day
26th DecemberBoxing Day

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